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HID driving light (cyclops) install
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Posted 2013-01-25 11:40 AM (#130046)
Subject: HID driving light (cyclops) install


Posts: 231
Desert Hot Springs (Palm Springs area), CA

I had the center halogen light (aka Cyclops light) go out on my 2009 Ness Vision so I thought I’d take the plunge and put in a HID.  After lots of fun reading all I could find about HIDs on this and other boards, I settled on a kit by VictoryHID  (  For $49.99 delivered to my door I think this is a sweet deal and provide support for a fellow Vic rider.

I got the kit as pictured below:

There were no instructions and the ones on the website were for replacing the two main light and he suggests removing the entire Vision headlight.  Sorry – not gonna do that.  But I had a feeling that all I would have to do is remove the air filter and the Cyclops light would be able to be installed.

After removing my burnt out halogen bulb, I set out to do a connection of the new HID prior to install, just to test it out.  I then discovered that the connector to the female power plug was wired incorrectly.  (I’ve notified VictoryHID of this – also there was a small wire connector that just isn’t used)

My stock female connector had the spades at opposite sides not at the right angle pictured above.


It was a simple fix of taking the new connector, carefully pushing in the hold tab, and removing the spade from the connector, then reinstalling it at the right point.


I turned on the bike and turned on the driving light and it all lit up perfectly.  Now came the fun part, installation!  Right away I noticed that the rubber boot just won’t fit over the HID bulb socket.  Thankfully the bulb socket and HID shield come apart and I was able to install the shield first on the bike, clip it in place, then with the help of a bit of WD40 sprayed on the rubber boot, I got the boot over the backend of the shield and also on to the bike headlight.  Next I carefully wormed in the HID light bulb into the installed and booted shield.  Here is a pic of the bulb/socket and shield separated.  The good news is they are held together by a twisting lock.


Once I got the bulb into the installed shied, the rubber boot provided a great seal to the bulb socket and it took some pressure (a bit tricky too) to get the socket installed and twisted into the shield.  I actually had enough room to use a pair of channel locks (carefully) to aid in my twisting while I pushed the bulb socket into the boot and shield.  Finally I got it in! 

Next was running the wires and the where to put the ballast for the HID light.  I choose to go on the left side (sitting on seat looking forward) right next to the fuse box.  It slipped right in between the plastic fuse box lid and the aluminum bracket.  (Note I removed the small access panel)  Here you can see the slim ballast slipped in next to the fuse box and on top of the fuse box I have the other HID box sitting.  It all fits great and the aluminum bracket will act as a heat sink for the ballast.


Finally I wire tied things in and buttoned it all up.  I rode that night and it looked GREAT and provided a unique visual for the cagers!  Here are some final pics.


Lights off view.

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Posted 2013-01-28 2:12 PM (#130206 - in reply to #130046)
Subject: Re: HID driving light (cyclops) install


Posts: 108
Conneaut, OH
Nice write up
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Posted 2013-01-28 6:13 PM (#130214 - in reply to #130046)
Subject: Re: HID driving light (cyclops) install


Posts: 4278
I bet you a hundred times you though about taking the body work off. Good photos and write up.

When I did mine I did take the left side off cause its the easy-est and not that much more work.
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Posted 2013-01-29 9:55 AM (#130238 - in reply to #130046)
Subject: Re: HID driving light (cyclops) install


Posts: 231
Desert Hot Springs (Palm Springs area), CA
I do wish that Victory would have made tha changing of the main bulbs easier! Glad you guys liked the write up.
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Posted 2013-02-07 3:45 PM (#130585 - in reply to #130238)
Subject: Re: HID driving light (cyclops) install

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 21
Fernandina Beach, Florida
Great write up! Having just done mine (same Victoryhid kit), I reall could relate to your pics and detail. I was not so patient or skilled in documenting things, so kudos to you for detailing it so well.

I mounted my Ballast and other components externally on the left forward section of the tank with double sided tape. It will get wet, but is pretty well shielded by the fairing. We'll see about that.

On the wiring, the kit did not have the correct jack to fit with my harness and it was quite a bit of back and forth (and aggravation) to get it resolved. Finally, CR sent an adapter cable and that did the trick.

Here is a pic of mine.

(HID off (100x75).jpg)

(HID on (100x75).jpg)

(HID off (100x75).jpg)

Attachments HID off (100x75).jpg (35KB - 5 downloads)
Attachments HID on (100x75).jpg (30KB - 11 downloads)
Attachments HID off (100x75).jpg (35KB - 3 downloads)
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Posted 2013-02-07 7:02 PM (#130590 - in reply to #130046)
Subject: RE: HID driving light (cyclops) install


Posts: 216
Danville, CA
Thx guys.. Nice write up. The questions is are there matching replacements for the driving lights, the other 2, so they all match.

Thanks for any insight.
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Posted 2013-02-08 1:34 AM (#130605 - in reply to #130046)
Subject: Re: HID driving light (cyclops) install

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
Yes, there are but....why? The stock Vision high/low beams are excellent as they are and with an HID cyclops, you could probably turn the regular lights off and still see well enough. Depending on how the HID high/low bulbs are made, the "high" setting might not work well. Two ways to do a high/low HID. One is to vary the power (similar to how the halogen high/low bulbs work). The other is to use a motorized base to either move the bulb or the bulb cover/reflector. The first way generally won't last long and since it takes a few seconds for an HID to "warm up", you won't get full brightness right away. The 2nd solution is much better but it's more expensive.

Just food for thought. If it were me, I'd swap the cyclops to an HID then ride it like that for a while before deciding if you really need to swap the regular bulbs.
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Posted 2013-02-08 7:07 PM (#130611 - in reply to #130590)
Subject: RE: HID driving light (cyclops) install


Posts: 231
Desert Hot Springs (Palm Springs area), CA

alohaboy - 2013-02-07 7:02 PM Thx guys.. Nice write up. The questions is are there matching replacements for the driving lights, the other 2, so they all match. Thanks for any insight.

As stated by Monkeyman there are HID lights for the other two but in my opinion the chore to put them in, isn't worth it.  Heck, just changing the standard bulbs is a pain.  I do have great respect for those who have installed HIDs.

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Posted 2013-02-09 11:33 AM (#130628 - in reply to #130046)
Subject: RE: HID driving light (cyclops) install

Central Wisconsin


Looks like a nice HID kit so I decided to order one. Thanks for the install information with all the great detail that you provided.


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Posted 2013-09-28 5:57 PM (#146018 - in reply to #130046)
Subject: Re: HID driving light (cyclops) install


Posts: 231
Desert Hot Springs (Palm Springs area), CA
So OK, here we are now 9 months from my creation of this post... the center HID light has failed! According to VictoryHID's website they have a "lifetime" warranty. I emailed them and they told me to check all connections, which I did. Next they said to pull the whole kit out and mail it to them... I personally found this an insult for a $49 kit. It will cost me around $8-10 and I will have a hole in my headlight for however long it takes. My suggestion to them was to send me a new kit and I'll start replacing items to isolate the bad part... then return the rest. I'm thinking that this is what they would do. Anyway, has anyone else had a VictoryHID cyclops light fail?
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